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Kim Wilde - Rage to Love
Teкcт пecни исполнителя Kim Wilde - Rage to Love Ten little indians standin' in a row all dressed up but nowhere to go. Lookin' for a target lookin' for a man. Just get me out of here it's not the place my mind's been thinkin' on. Just push me out again it's no use hangin' 'round or hangin' on. Seven little indians standin' in a row The compere walks on the stage and he says: Sing it Girls - okay. But the band's not good and the song don't cut it. Tust get me out for here it's not the place my mind's been thinkin' on. . . . Hangin' on. Come on let's go tonight we gotta brand-new way to celebrate it. Oh I got this rage to love. Baby it's so right and if you feel it Great! Dedicate it. Oh I got this rage to love. Three little indians cryin' in their make-up Nobody stops and nobody cares. Just get me out of here it's not the place my mind's been thinkin' on. ... Hangin' on. Come on let's go tonight we gotta brand-new way to celebrate it. ... Come on let's go tonight we gotta brand-new way to celebrate it. ... Oh it's just this age to oh I got this rage to love. I got this rage to love I got I got I got I got I got I got this rage to love.
Категория: K - Тексты песен (англ.) | Добавил: МобиТехник (17.08.2013)
Просмотров: 772
| Теги: Wilde , love , Rage
| Рейтинг: 0.0 /0
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