Time has come to get the troops back together No one's cruising for a bruising It's a landslide, can't die Time to get what's coming to me Time to let things go There is no way to stop the yellow danger Time has come for you Cause I'm back... REF: Back!Cause I'm back...Back! I'm back... Back!Cause I'm back...Back! Snap out of it now We're bak in the loop and it's time to move on We're aiming for all or nothing now We're back in the loop and it's time to move on For us it is all or nothing Who are you? friend or foe? Now leave your sorrows all behind This ain't enough, hanging tough Now you must make up your mind We can't stay down, we have to leave There is no place for us to hideso this is it you've been warned now either join or step side Cause I'm back... REF again Back with a vengeance
Первокурсница долго и настойчиво добивается в библиотеке консерватории: - Дайте мне ноты Гуги! Долго и безуспешно пытаются понять чего она, собственно, хочет. Hаконец кто-то догадывается: - Может быть, Вам нужна опера Мейербера "Гугеноты"? - Hу да, - радостно кивает головой студентка, - я же Вам сразу сказала!