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Assassin - Nemesis
Teкcт пecни исполнителя Assassin - Nemesis Nemesis hordes of hades are blasting over the earth Saveness diapering frightening of the human Death for the guilty one, no hope is given to them No mercy as a result, Nemesis will punish them Deathly breeze of wind plunging into the city Unimaginable creatures arrived and spread Out into their streets Pain for the guilty one Destruction is what they earn After ruling a period of time, Nemesis punish the… Cruel which killed thousands of innocent lifes Death to these old kings which slayed our children Execution has begun, the goddess decided to kill Massacre creates a new world, blood has to be spoile The horrors which are over exist not any longer The humane race is saved, Nemesis disappearing How long would freedom stay? Will Nemesis save us again or was it just a dream Our goddess will: Stay a myth forever remembered We need her help to ever survive
Категория: A - Тексты песен (англ.) | Добавил: МобиТехник (01.07.2013)
Просмотров: 702
| Теги: Nemesis , Assassin
| Рейтинг: 0.0 /0
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