It is a cool rainy in fall and you feel a cold breeze Of wind around, there is no one out at this time, it's perfect for the A.G.D. You hear whispering behind the big wall, you see Shadows out everywhere in this world, a well-known Eye is watching you step by step, it is the time of the A.G.D.
Pre-chorus: There's not chance to run away, neither there is an escape, they will follow you everywhere, it's tough but you're caught in their trap The D.G.D. tries to hide very well, there is fucking no Chance to find their great agents, suddenly the A.G.D. Caught Tommy spy, it's a point for the A.G.D. Who was that person behind the strange bus chief 666 Did now investigate the situation. Mille was caught With a pretty big stick and for the A.G.D. that's not a trick
Pre-chorus/First chorus: Artistics great destruction that what the A.G.D. does stand for real Alcoholic game dead that what the A.G.D. stand for real
A real strange person was on the phone, a lot of weird Stories are being told, but schmier believed that very
Блондинка едет в переполненном автобусе. Ей безумно хочется выпустить газы. На её счастье громко играет музыка. Она подстраивается под ритм баса и несколько раз смачно портит воздух в такт ему. Через некоторое время она замечает, что все пассажиры осуждающе смотрят на неё. Всё это время она слушала плеер.